It is not often I return to a previous rant with some good news. I feel I need to ladle high praise on the village council. They have collected aforementioned green bin. They have collected and given us assurance in writing that we will have regular collections.
Now I can roll up my sleeves and get knee deep in my next community based project. Yes you have guessed it, I am turning my attention to crap. The man of the house has already written a carefully worded letter outlining the state of our pavements and streets and the council have duly reciprocated. Their equally carefully worded letter can be paraphrased thus: Unless you the citizen of said village, spend all your time patrolling your streets, stop every dog owner and ask their name and address and whilst your at it follow them to ascertain where and when their dogs excrete; we are loathed to spend any time on doing anything about it. Even though we do spend thousands putting up do not foul signs which are not enforced.
It is an interesting attitude to take to such a public nuisance. Perhaps all crime prevention should be abolished to save a bob or two? Perhaps the next time there is a football match instead of spending any resources preventing the inevitable pint and a fight; just ignore the mess and only do something about it if someone complains complete with a name, address and a number.
It is not rocket science :'Oi dog wardens come on down to South Leeds, for your info dogs generally poo 2-3 times a day (usually after their food) most probably morning and evening. Take a walk round, I am sure if you do you will hit the jack pot. Or at least be scrapping something off your shoe. Of course I am not suggesting you've never been here, its just that after 10 years I'm feeling that I have more chance of meeting the toothfairy than encountering one of you'.
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