Last night a dj saved my life. Actually it was tonight and it was our good friend Jarvis Cocker, www.bbc.co.uk/6music/shows/jarviscocker he in his understated manner noted that an artist sees things in a different way. This difference was viewed positively and necessary, I do hope I caught the gist of the discussion with Laurie Anderson correctly. Sigh! A different point of view seen as a complementary aspect of society, not just an irritant.
Of course I am no artist, but I live with one so surely that allows me to make claims on platitudes. Feeling good by proxy, sounds vaguely Freudian. I'll have a piece of that.
I have been so pleased with myself, my readership appeared to be growing. I gained a rather dedicated reader from London. London that's a sophisticated bunch, they'll know about the ways of the world. It turns out that I am that sophisicated reader, my aging computer is playing tricks on me.
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