I have discovered the joys of Twitter. In my own mind I see my daily tweets to all 4 of my followers (soon to be 3 after clicking on one the tiny urls!) as a service.
To me, twitter is a wonderful source of finding out and providing information, I now follow interesting folk like Yoko ono, Stephen Fry and John Brockman
The wealth of information at my disposal! And all discovered by messing with this blogging malarkey! You see I need a purpose and if not to draw in thousands of readers (my comfort is I am scribbling for a niche demographic... of 2); it is pursuit of knowledge, a mental stretching of a flabby mind. The mental fog brought on by the thought of voting in the general election coupled with the fact I haven't read a complete book for about 5 years, is making me doubt my wee inner voice.
I like the idea of providing others with sweet morsels of knowledge, perhaps it will lead you to a thought never thunk before. By the way if you have a chance could you send those thoughts back this way, 'cos I haven't got the foggiest who I've linked and what they're on about.
My previously unthunked thought, is the alarming yet somehow clarifying thought that your wee has an inner voice...