Dear Mr Dog Warden,
Last week I said some things in haste, I now know that this was unfair. In order to make it up to you the next time you are in South Leeds, please call round. We can have a cup of tea and make light of the subject 'cos I realise, it might get to you too. Perhaps you'd like to play some new games I have devised: Dog Top Trumps, Match Pairs (Turd with Breed) or Guess the Dog's Dinner? I feel I should congratulate you, a small chink of hope, when the rest of the world has given up. So Mr Warden don't give up, I have heard it's just you and 3 of your friends entrusted with the whole of Leeds. Perhaps one day some one will invest in you and there might be a possibility that as a team we can wield a giant, not so metaphorical, shovel.
My recent posts have been a little preoccupied with local politics I will not apologise; after all said and done this is an election year. If I'm honest I can rant until I am blue about my local pool closing or anything that directly effects me, but my attention wanes when it comes to general issues. The fact is I don't really know, and when I try to invest time into finding out, I realise I can't really be bothered. As a younger more agreeable person I could listen to cat fights and unpick a policy out of the to and fro of put downs, now I'd rather catch up on the cleaning. I can't quite help thinking does it really matter?
This time around I am not going to feel any guilt but celebrate my political nonchalance. After all I am quite thankful that I can make my vote according to the colour which best suits my complexion if I choose to. And I guess that is how democracy works.
Race for Life
10 years ago
Churchill said something along the lines of democracy being the least worst form of government. I'm now at the place where voting means (whilst desperately trying to balance local priorities with national implications): which party will damage us most slowly, providing the maximum time for booting them out?