
Saturday, 27 March 2010

(I like my town with) a little drop of poison

On occasion, you hardened livers of life, it is not all sunshine in the Deb's household. Sometimes it is a little Dark(o), I like to think of this as our brand of gloom with a cheeky humorous 'O'. In these times you have choices, firstly you can wallow. I do an excellent line in wallow, although my husband's wallowing is arguably superior. Or you can use an old fashioned approach and 'count your blessings'.

Well, I have managed to teach baby Lolbert to shake his head rhythmically whenever I sing 'I just called to say I love you'. Not to mention Frankie provided me with five minutes of freedom whilst feeding brother/herself, before deciding he should wear the yogurt. I have also managed a whole day of not fretting about housework, OK I wasn't in the house and on returning I did have to apologise profusely to a friend who came to babysit, but its a start.

The Husband and I managed to leave the house, together, after dark. A somewhat bewildering experience. What began with hope of exotic and quirky fun, quickly turned into a dinner at our usual and a bus back at 11. However in our defence, the bus journey can be a little vicarious, which goes to show we can live dangerously.

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