The home improvements continue. This is a process which is seemingly unending and I would describe it as similar to trying to walk through quicksand, two steps forward and four steps down. In fact a lot like the mud we are trying to tame in 'Our Patch', as cbeebies likes to optimistically call it.
I ordered some recycled* plastic raised beds, and waited for them to arrive. The conception was easy but the delivery was a little difficult.The driver insists he posted a card through the front of our postboxless pvc door. After searching both inside and out for this card I have now spent roughly two hours trying to reinact this feat to no avail. However readers this is not time wasted, as if I am to sit in the seat of smug rightness I like to check my facts.
*readers are now aware I have successfully completed the 2010 prerequiste nod to being environmental whilst hanging on to more important motivations such not making things difficult for one's self and not spending excessively.
I like the idea of raised beds, but have never built them. Here, I'm using the extremely raised flower border as a kind of super-raised veg patch. And I think your patch looks orderly and bubbling with potential.