
Saturday, 27 March 2010

(I like my town with) a little drop of poison

On occasion, you hardened livers of life, it is not all sunshine in the Deb's household. Sometimes it is a little Dark(o), I like to think of this as our brand of gloom with a cheeky humorous 'O'. In these times you have choices, firstly you can wallow. I do an excellent line in wallow, although my husband's wallowing is arguably superior. Or you can use an old fashioned approach and 'count your blessings'.

Well, I have managed to teach baby Lolbert to shake his head rhythmically whenever I sing 'I just called to say I love you'. Not to mention Frankie provided me with five minutes of freedom whilst feeding brother/herself, before deciding he should wear the yogurt. I have also managed a whole day of not fretting about housework, OK I wasn't in the house and on returning I did have to apologise profusely to a friend who came to babysit, but its a start.

The Husband and I managed to leave the house, together, after dark. A somewhat bewildering experience. What began with hope of exotic and quirky fun, quickly turned into a dinner at our usual and a bus back at 11. However in our defence, the bus journey can be a little vicarious, which goes to show we can live dangerously.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Women's Issues

The fact come Monday I choose Glee over the more serious BBC three Women, probably is an indication of some of my feelings. However I have been watching the trailers to Women with anticipation, and feeling there was a lot to be gained through viewing.

I will at some time spend some time catching up, but I was a little dismayed by my feelings to the glimpses I saw. Maybe I have to admit that the world of celebs and Katie Price have left their mark, as I couldn't help but wish the young lady giving the speeches was just a little more glamorous. And why did she have to shout so much? It reminded me of past experiences with other types which claim the truth. In my experience (don't we just know it readers) shouting is derived from anger and no matter how justified anger is it invariably leads away from the truth. The great philosophers Yoda and Skywalker will account for that.

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Stuck on you.

If you listened to my mother she would tell you the trouble with me is that I am unable to stick at anything. As mothers tend to, she is describing me as the child she knew. Now of course I am a reformed character; for nearly 10 years I have stuck at the same profession, the same husband, and in the same part of town. More recently I have become rather attached to an unfeasibly long chest hair, which I am determined not to remove until it reaches my navel.

Despite my eldest child's predilection for danger and the very occasional urge to leave them for an extra long stay at grandma's/aunty's/friends or any half decent person that will have them; I have stuck with my children.

So mother, I am determined to write my weekly blogspot and my new track record supports this notion. And if my children's faces are anything to go by sticking with me can sometimes be a little bit of fun. As for the chest hair I'll keep you posted.


Since my reckless sister introduced me to the world of the blog and unleashed a monster, 'traffic' has become a word loaded with meaning. When I am not breaking my fist on hapless male drivers windows and asking them ever so politely 'Could you maybe not run a red light as my offspring is with me? There's a good boy' I am dreaming of my 4th reader, shiny and doe eyed discovering that laughing at another person's misfortunes is so much fun.

What started as a little personal relief is now manifesting itself as a shameless traffic stopper which will go to any ends to double its readership. From the subtle mention mid conversation '', to the offering of plonk if you'll just join my facebook group?

Blogspot eh? The great equalizer, giving the ordinary folk a voice, providing the frustrated scribbler a blank page. Together we can ruminate the merits of appealing to a wider audience of perhaps 10, and the mythical goal of becoming... A Blog of Note. Or I could stop now, post a few piccies and just start writing about poo.

please feel free to subscribe to my now weekly blog, which on occasion has some good pictures and often has subtle reference to humour of a sort.

Saturday, 13 March 2010

The meaning of Life

After inadvertently slipping over to radio 2, who amongst us has not had that discussion: 'That Alanis Morrisette she hasn't a clue about irony,' and then continued saying, 'Tsk those Americans really don't do irony.' But if I am entirely honest I don't really understand many common words and concepts. Par example, I was trying to convey the concept of technology to a group of 4 year olds; on the face of it a simple concept yet deceptively complex. After reeling my mind back from the visions of post modern whizzers dials and bleeping, I used the online dictionary. The definition blew my mind and I came to the conclusion that technology really is a philosophical concept.

Bruce has been touting a joke since the beginning of our relationship, he has waited patiently for its perfect execution. Whilst visiting a nurse to secure a vasectomy appointment she asked, 'Where would you like to go?'. Now was the most perfect moment, 'Well Jimmy's or Seacroft, it doesn't make a Vas Deferens to me'. The nurse made no response.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Grand Relocation Designs

The home improvements continue. This is a process which is seemingly unending and I would describe it as similar to trying to walk through quicksand, two steps forward and four steps down. In fact a lot like the mud we are trying to tame in 'Our Patch', as cbeebies likes to optimistically call it.

I ordered some recycled* plastic raised beds, and waited for them to arrive. The conception was easy but the delivery was a little difficult.The driver insists he posted a card through the front of our postboxless pvc door. After searching both inside and out for this card I have now spent roughly two hours trying to reinact this feat to no avail. However readers this is not time wasted, as if I am to sit in the seat of smug rightness I like to check my facts.

*readers are now aware I have successfully completed the 2010 prerequiste nod to being environmental whilst hanging on to more important motivations such not making things difficult for one's self and not spending excessively.