I promised there would be no more talk about football, but I lied. I also promised that I would post on Sunday, double lie. The thing is I forgot for a few days that I was a teacher, only to be jolted back to reality by facebook. A friend of mine had left her planning to the last minute, I'd just failed to remember it is part of what I do. How rock and roll? Let's be honest these days I am as edgy as a tomliboo.
On Saturday I left the confines of barracks and began a night out. Beginning in the city centre watching football on a big screen; feeling like David Attenborough musing over the strange beast that is the young 20 something male football fan. By 11.30pm I was noshing on a 'footlong', dreaming of fluffy slippers, tea and duvets.
My night time stamina was probably effected by the gorgeous but oh so painful heels I had chosen; that and the fact that my current hair style resembles a member of the hair bear bunch who has spent all day in a ball pool. Half of me is a little disappointed with my nocturnal performances but the other is very satisfied with its lot. So until next Saturday I bid you Goodnight, I have a date with a fleece all-in-one.
That's it. I remember your dreams of a giant baby grow on Saturday night now. Ooh arrr - Rock n'rollers that we are!!