Dressed for a snowy wintry night, children in bed, baby sitter happy with a bottle of wine, we reached for the door........Evelyn managed to choose that precise moment share her Christmas school party food with the carpet. She has always been good at sharing food treats. We stayed in and ate yet another Chinese, trying to forget the smell of rancid cheese.
This morning Ev still worse for wear was bundled out the house to take her crucial role in the school play. She made a perfect partridge in a pear tree, and I wished I had a better view and my arms were not aching with lard boy, I may have been able to shed the expected tear....
Despite my lack of maternal emotion the kids have done it, that and a dusting of snow, they have managed to make me feel a little excited for the festive period ahead. However I might be giving the Cheeseboard a miss.
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