Ahh, reminiscing over the sweet soulfulness of summer. Tall grass, sunburn and insect watching. Scorched toes and callouses from bare feet walking, parched grass and grazed knees, mud and sand caking your legs. The days never ending, early rising and late sleeping. Meanwhile mum and dad are chuntering and bickering; money not enough, bills unpaid, weather too hot, too rainy, too cold. Too tired, too past it, too bored, too old.
This year I am a little smug as my adult/child comparisons are directed else where, because this summer I have felt just a little bit more
like a child. I have made every effort, despite the pointless adult worrying and pondering; to play in dirt, insect watch and celebrate every time the sun has parted from the perpetual cloud. I have been more than a tiny bit silly, and have had headaches and bruises to prove it.
The summer is drawing to an end and if you were to ask me what I have done, I don't think I could tell you. I haven't got many pictures and mostly it was just me and the kids. That pre-summer list came to nothing, but I am sitting here with a little sense of well being as I pick the dirt between my toes.